This is the time to think about a new world.
A world in which we care for each other.
A world in which the heart means something.
A world where we mean something.
A world where kindness has a value.
Not “money, money, money” but kindness has a value.
Because if we are incapable of creating a world like that, most of us won’t survive this.
It’s going to be required that there is kindness, that there is understanding amongst us
for a world, for a better world,
for a brighter world
in which we all move together going forward.
It’s not too late.
And such a world is possible.
This is not a question of “That’s impractical.”
It’s now an issue
of “If that doesn’t happen,
it’s going to be a real problem.”
It’s a lot of poor people,
a lot of poor people, countries like India,
countries like Africa, in the African continent.
So many countries.
So many people.
So many people.
And you, as a human being, are part of it.
You’re a part of it.
Your heart, your want, your fulfilment, your understanding –
you’re a part of it.
Text: Prem Rawat. Hear it here.